
  • Simple interface
    Write new entries: New entry window
    Edit past entries: Past entry window
  • Works with many different journal sites, including LiveJournal, DeadJournal, InsaneJournal, and Dreamwidth (may work with any of these known servers, but is not tested on all of them, and requires the XML-RPC interface as specified by LiveJournal)
  • Easy crossposting: use the crosspost button with its checklist of accounts to post an identical entry to several accounts or post an entry to one account, make changes, and post to another account
  • Entry properties
    Can set and edit: entry date and time, "backdated" option, security level (including custom groups), comment settings (disable them, don't email them, screen them from some or all people), "preformatted" option, mood, music, location, and tags
  • Save and load entry drafts
  • Userpic menu
    View userpics alongside keywords in the userpic menu
  • Userpic preview
    Hover over userpic menu to see a full-size preview of the userpic, including animation
  • Stores login info in the OS X keychain