I’m currently working on an overhaul of LJ-Stat.
It looks like there’s some issue in using curl_multi_exec() in PHP with too many requests at once causing some requests to fail strangely, potentially accounting for the lack of data from several sites that are clearly not down and clearly provide stats.txt. My current workaround is to do the requests in smaller blocks.
I’m also trying to provide more detail as to why there aren’t stats for the sites that don’t have stats.
But the biggest development is that there will probably be graphs of the data over time. I say “probably” because while the code is pretty much written, I’ve only been storing historical data for about a day so far (in the past, only the most recent data was kept), so it’s hard to tell whether the graphs will look okay with a lot of data and whether producing the graphs will put a significant load on the server. The data will probably update more regularly and more frequently–likely noon and midnight CT.
Also, if anyone knows for sure if Bloty, IziBlog, and/or LiveLogCity are still alive or definitively dead, I’d like to know. Oh, and CommieJournal seems to be looking at the posibility of moving to a different codebase, though I can’t for the life of me see why anyone would want to try to move thousands of accounts from the LJ codebase to something incompatible and with a different working paradigm.