A while back, I’d looked at a couple of plugins to automate the announcing of new blog posts on Twitter, but hadn’t really found one that I liked. Today, I found myself playing with really short (one-character) IDNs, which led to thinking about URL shortening, which led to YOURLS, which led back to WordPress and [...]
Seeing the announcement of Chrome 3 on Ars Technica reminded me of my desire for Chrome on the Mac. I’m not unhappy with Firefox, especially with the processor-specific-optimization builds, but it’s still slow and it just gets slower the longer I keep it open, constantly churning the CPU doing something and occasionally pausing for no [...]
This is not likely to be of interest to many people, but for anyone who used uJournal (uJ) or AboutMyLife (AML), which absorbed uJ after its demise, it is worth knowing that there has been a temporary site up at http://aboutmylife.net/tempsite/ at which one can get a very bare dump of their entire journal. For [...]
I’m now trying the RPX plugin from JanRain to enable OpenID logins on this blog. On the negative side, I’m committed to using BadBehavior to knock down server load from bots and BadBehavior seems to trap the redirect back here from your OpenID provider. If you try to log in with OpenID and get an [...]
I’ve just spent a total of about 2 hours taking apart and rebuilding an interface window because those little red dotted underlines on misspelled words in an NSTextView were appearing about a line and a half too high and about 4em to the right. Net result? It seems that if core animation is enabled for [...]
Posted 25 July 2009
Tagged: asLJ, check spelling as you type, cocoa, content view, core animation, custom view, dotted underline, misspelling, misspelling underline, nstextview, red underline, spelling, underline, view
This took over an hour for me to hash out, in part because there are a few mailing list archives and whatnot that I came across while looking into this issue that led me down the wrong path. I have an NSDocument subclass for which I want a sheet to display modal to the window [...]
Posted 17 July 2009
Tagged: attached, beginSheet, cocoa, detached, interface builder, modal, nsdocument, nspanel, obj, objective c, sheet, xco, xcode
IncompeTech has a variety of styles of graph paper and other specialty paper formats that you can tweak a bit (e.g. set the number of boxes per inch, the stroke width, etc.) and download as PDFs to print. It’s very useful.
Discovering Fluid has given me a lot to play with today. Fluid itself is a program that you use to create other programs. In Fluid, you enter the web site you want and give it a name and give it an icon and it creates an application. That application is a Webkit (Safari-like) browser that [...]
Posted 05 June 2009
Mac OS X
Tagged: browser, growl, hahlo, lala, mac, mac os x, os x, rememberthemilk, rtm, single-site, single-site browser, ssb, twitter, web app, webkit
I have multiple computers, so I can easily ssh into my desktop when the screensaver password is hanging and won’t let me log in. The not-so-new trick has been to use AppleScript on the command line to not-so-harshly close some applications (run osascript, then tell application “program name” to quit, followed by ctrl-D (EOF). The [...]